You cannot be more wrong. Anyone committing a sin irrespective of how sinful he already is is harming himself. Every sin and every good deed will be accounted for on the Day o judgement. The more sins you stop committing the greater you win the battle for your soul. It IS WRONG FOR ANY MUSLIM to ever fill that he is too much of a sinful person for Allah to ever forgive him. On this subject Allah says" Were the son of Adam to come to me with sins reaching up to the sky I would still forgive him" Make that change from this moment. Ask for Allah's forgiveness and start practicing.

Friday, April 24, 2009
All the Money is going to charities and other good causes. It’s a donation rather than Gambling.
First of all only 25%-28% of the lottery money goes to *good causes*. 50% goes on prizes (so a few individuals become millionaires) 12% is tax (so the government gets it) 5% goes to the retailers (so the shopkeepers get it) and the 5% goes to Camelot (so they can line their pockets) As you can see only a quarter goes to good causes and they include art galleries, museums and charities. Secondly in Islam you are not permitted to do a forbidden act even it leads to some good. The rule of FIQH states "the ends do not justify the means". Would you sell drugs to finance the building of a mosque? Finally, to donate some money to worthwhile causes a rewarding act. And there are many good Islamic charities around, and the National LOTTERY IS NOT ONE OF THEM!
Many Muslim Country including Pakistan and Egypt have National Lottery.
Isn't it true that ALLAH chooses the National Lottery Winners?
As Muslims we believe that nothing happens in the universe without the will of Allah. His knowledge covers everything: He knows the past, the present and the future. Therefore, He knows who will win all national lotteries and He knows when you and I will die. But He does not force anyone to do the forbidden or the good. He tests you to see what you would do under certain circumstances. But it is you who, out of your will, and freedom of choice, decide to spend £1 or $1on a national lottery ticket, and not on your family etc. And it is you who must pay the price on the day of judgement for the decisions you made on Earth (as indeed we all will).
What does Judaism and Christianity say about the Lottery/ National Lottery?
The Methodist Church has slammed all forms of gambling which includes the Lottery, as harmful instruments of the Devil. They base this on the verse" nor do anything whereby thy brother stumbles, or is offended, or is made weak"(Romans 14:21) arguing that gambling harms society and so must be shunned. However as seem quite prevalent within the Christian church a lot of principles are being compromised on, and you will find the Most churches actually allow gambling: the roman Catholics even allow bingo to played within their institution Judaism is split over it's verdict on the Lottery. The majority rabbis say that it is permitted. Of those some say that, although permitted, a gambler is not suitable as witness, nor his charity accepted.
What about selling National LOTTERY Tickets?
But why Allah has forbidden Gambling?
2. In all forms of gambling, including the National Lottery, only a very small proportion of people wins. The majority is losers. In effect gambling takes money from the vast majority of people
3. Intense jealousy begins as losers look enviously at the winners. This causes hatred among people, and Islam is about creating love and brotherhood not, not hatred.
4. Gamblers spend much time and effort in dreaming " what I would do if I won a million", longing and wishing that time and effort could be better spent in looking after their families and remembering Allah.
5. Islam wants you to rely on ALLAH and earn your income with your feet firmly planed on the ground, and not rely on dreams and the National LOTTERY! This is a form of minor SHIRK (relying on other than ALLAH)
6. Allah is our creator and He knows the best, and in his wisdom He has made all forms of gambling forbidden for us and as Muslims we place our trust in Him.
What does Islam says about National Lottery?
The UK National Lottery Scam
Many people in Pakistan have received e-mails purporting to come from the National Lottery in the United Kingdom, telling them that they have won a large sum of money. Recipients of such e-mails should be very careful. They are usually followed by another e-mail asking the winner to pay an amount of money (usually several hundred pounds) for payment of a fee or other charges. This is a trick, designed to get your money.
The British High Commission in Pakistan urges anyone receiving unsolicited correspondence claiming to be from UK lottery companies to exercise extreme caution, particularly if they have been asked for money in order to receive winnings. Legitimate UK lottery companies DO NOT ask for money or personal banking details. If a member of the public receives an e-mail or a letter claiming to be from a lottery they have not entered, we advise them not to reply to it and not to complete any claim forms. Remember, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
The UK National Lottery website says:
- We do not advise a player who has won a prize by e-mail. If the e-mail says 'Winning Notification' or 'Lottery Sweep Stake' in the text, the e-mail you've received is not from UK National Lottery;
- We do not put winning numbers or winning dates on an e-mail;
- We do not advise of a winning amount on an e-mail;
- We do not ask Players for information like name, address or bank details in an e-mail;
Some tips on how to spot if the correspondence is fraudulent:
-There may be a sense of urgency, e.g. "respond within 5 days or your account will be closed";
- There may be links within the body of the e-mail that look legitimate because they contain all or part of a real company's name. These links may take you to fake websites which ask you to update personal information;
- Finally, do you remember entering the competition? If not, then chances are you haven't won and the information is false.
For further guidance on this, please visit the official governmental website of the UK National Lottery
Pakistani Student Wins $5 Million Lottery in New York
Now, she is rich.
Nadia Tariq, Beenish's Sister: "We were showing each other the tickets. And at the last we realized we hit the jackpot." "She scratched it off, she saw the number, she sat there looking at it for like five minutes. Then she realized she had won. She showed it to me, we started jumping up and down." The family waited nearly nine months to come forward, hoping to minimize publicity. Fat chance.
The Tariqs immigrated here from Pakistan in 1990, and already they've realized the American dream. Mohammad Qureshi, Beenish's Father: "I love this country with my soul and heart."
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Fatwa No. : | 87979 |
Fatwa Title : | Prize-bond system in |
Fatwa Date : | 28 Rabee' Al-Aakhir 1425 / 17-06-2004 |
Question | |
The Pakistani Government issues prize bonds of Rs.10, Rs.100, Rs.500 and Rs.750/ denomination each. It is up to an individual whether he purchases these bonds of Rs.10, 000/- or Rs.100, 000/-. It is like a currency bill which can be cashed at any bank. The Government promises to return the money at the demand and it is written on the bill. | |
Fatwa | |
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. It is not permissible to buy these prize-bonds as they include interest and gambling at the same time. The amount that is paid for purchasing bonds is nothing but a loan because no person is giving this amount for business in order to risk making some profit or loss. Thus the prize bonds are in reality a loan with interest. Instead of the government or bank giving interest to every prize-bond holder, the interest accumulate and then a draw is conducted whereby some of the prize-bond holders win and others lose; this is the reality of gambling. Doctor Ali Saluss says regarding this: "It may be possible that a person with a small loan win thousands of pounds, whereas other person's heavy loans do not get anything. So the first person took his share of interest and the share of a large number of people, whereas the share of the second person is taken by others. Each time, involved people who watch or follow this draw; become happy because of what they had won, or sad for what they had lost, and so on, waiting for another prize-bond draw. Is this not gambling?!" Please refer to the following fatwa… Allah knows best. |
The Government of Pakistan introduced Defence Savings Certificate scheme in the year 1966. The scheme has specifically been designed to meet the future requirements of the depositors. This is the only scheme having 10 years' maturity with built in feature of automatic reinvestment after the maturity. These certificates are available in the denominations of Rs.500, Rs.1000, Rs.5,000, Rs.10,000, Rs.50,000, Rs.100,000, Rs.500,000 and Rs.1,000,000/=.
Who Can Invest .
These certificates can be purchased by a single adult, a minor, two adults in their joint names with the options of payable to the holders jointly (Joint-A ) or payable to either (Joint-B). An adult can also purchase these certificates on behalf of a single minor, two minors jointly or himself/herself and a minor jointly. In addition to above individual investors, the following institutions are also allowed to invest in the scheme:
Registered Charities (Non-profit bodies).
Public Sector Enterprises excluding Banks.
Private Educational & Health Institutions.
Employees Old Age Benefit Institutions (EOBIs).
Private Corporate Sector registered with the SECP excluding Banks.
Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs) excluding Insurance Companies.
How To Purchase.
These certificates can be purchased from any National Savings Centre (NSC), Pakistan Post Offices (PPO), Scheduled Bank branches and State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) by filling in a prescribed form called SC-1, which is available at all the above offices of issue free of cost. A copy of the National Identity Card or in case of a foreign national, a copy of the Passport is required to be attached with the application form. To download application form in editable Adobe Acrobat format, please click here.
Mode of Deposit.
These certificates can be purchased by depositing cash at the issuing office or by presenting a cheque. The certificates shall immediately be issued on receipt of cash. However, in case of deposit through cheque the certificates shall be issued from the date of realization of the cheque after receipt of the clearance advice.
What Is The Investment Limit.
The minimum investment limit is Rs.500/-, however, there is no maximum limit of investment in this scheme.
What About Redemption.These certificates are encashable at par any time after one month from the date of purchase. However, no profit is payable if encashment is made before completion of one year.
What is the return.
In this scheme the profit is paid on maturity or encashment for completed years. Every Rs.100,000/- will become Rs.108,000/-, Rs.118,000/-, Rs.129,000/-, Rs.142,000/-, Rs.158,000/-, Rs.177,000/-, Rs.201,000/-, Rs.230,000/-, Rs.265,000/- and Rs.315,000/- on completion of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 years, respectively. These rates are effective from 24th June, 2008. The average compound rate of return on maturity presently works to 12.15% p.a. For any other time period rates table is also available on website.
Tax & Zakat Status.
At present, the profit earned is exempt from withholding tax, if the total investment in the scheme by the investor(s) does not exceed Rs.150,000/-. However, withholding tax @ 10% is deductible at source on the profit(s) earned if the total investment exceeds Rs.150,000/- by the investor(s). The Zakat is collected at source as per rules.